Saturday, March 20, 2010


This ordered disorder the body serves
Fills the mind through taste and touch
To eternity in wastelands
Magically flowering stands
Drawing, engaging, engulfing
Defining, limiting, challenging.

I struggle to shake off, both
My aversions and my hope
My own ignorance though
Presents me, the world, rainbow
Separating, adding, churning constant.

Here, the self with the mind
Reduced to body, to you and I
What we mean, we how relate
Wants, our fears, use and gain
Different, differentiating differently.

Then asleep, without the mind
I am with none we here find
Indescribable hence, Bliss itself
Is, not this, consciousness pure
Eternity, Infinite, One, All alone.

Back to us, madness, myths real
Concerns live, intense, existential
A priori attached, dissipated obvious 
Sex, possessions, experiences causal
Tall effects and impressions deep
Being particularised, things many

Organs throbbing, vital experiencing.

Paths uncharted, interminable
Exasperating, ebullient, youthful
Wanting more, better, shifting references
Frustrating to and fro, engaging imbalances

But perhaps, to initiate this dialogue !

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